Guest Information
Covenant Foods serves these zip code areas: 46205, 46208, 46216, 46220, 46226, 46228, 46236, 46240, 46250, 46256, 46260. Guests seeking assistance should bring photo ID, Social Security cards of household members, and proof of residence, such as a piece of mail sent to his or her home address. Guests may return monthly.
Covenant Foods began its ministry in 2008. We want to reach out to the hungry people in our community. The Pantry is open every Tuesday, 4 PM to 6:00 PM.
Where We Are
Covenant Foods is located at Northside Baptist Church, 3021 East 71st Street, Indianapolis, Indiana, 46220. Our phone number is 463-212-8007. To contact the church office, please call 317-255-6692.
What We’re Doing
Covenant Foods opened its doors to the community on September 9, 2008. Our goal is to reach out to people who are hungry, both physically and spiritually.